Titan News


July 2024

Titan Advisors presents the second in a series of white papers on commodity trading strategies. This paper focuses on prospects for the uranium market: the severe imbalance in its supply and demand amid an expected large upsurge in nuclear power demand and significant challenges to increasing uranium’s supply.

You can find the uranium report at the link below. Please feel free to share your opinion of this thesis with us.

A Generational Moment For Commodity Trading Strategies

June 2024

Titan’s Head of Long/Short Equity, David Fox, has written a white paper on the opportunity in commodity trading strategies. The brief results from a global scramble for commodities coming on the heels of a lengthy depression in capital spending by commodity extractors. We hope you find its thesis intriguing.

A Generational Moment for Commodity Trading Strategies

February 2024

Titan’s 2024 Outlook by Chris Paolino,  Principal & Co-CIO

The Race is On, 2023 in Review & 2024 Outlook

December 2023

We hope you find the attached piece written by Principal & Portfolio Manager, Chris Paolino, insightful and thought provoking.

2023 Financial Markets… “What Gives?”

January 2023

Titan’s Chief Investment Officer, Stephen Harvey, recently wrote a 2023 Outlook piece, “2023 Outlook: Return to and Returns from Active Management.” In this piece, Stephen provides a summary of 2022 and an overview of what we believe to be the major sources of dispersion and opportunity across all major asset classes in 2023. He later discusses his views on the implications for alpha generation across different hedge fund strategies. Enjoy the piece, found at the link below.

2023 Outlook: Return To and Returns From Active Management

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